Still here!

Heh. So much for updating my blog more often! ;-)

I'm now living in beautiful Traverse City, MI, having made the move from Chicago burbyland. It's beautiful up here & my new job is working out well so far. I'm starting to get involved in things around town, so will hopefully develop some new friendships along the way.

Beatrix Potter is still getting a bit of work; just a couple motifs left to go before it will be finished.
While ignoring BP, I've been doing more knitting and learning a lot along the way. I finished my first little sweater (for my Cousin's little boy). I started a little burgandy neck gaiter for my sis, too.

This weekend was beautiful & I got out for a hike with Abby the Dog & Dad. I also got around to dying the lace for my sister's bridal veil. I was worried about something going horribly awry, which caused me to procrastinate on doing anything with it, but I'm happy with how it turned out (cream. not horribly yellowed or tan). Next up will be attaching it to the tulling (is that a word?). Wish me luck!

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