Where have I been?
Goodness, it's been almost 2 months since I've updated my blog! Lots of crazy things going on the past couple of months - the biggest that my BF/fiance of 3+ years and I broke up...that's my big excuse & I'm sticking to it!
So I've been engaged in reading lots of self help classics & holing up, you know, the standard post-breakup fare.
Now I'm doing pretty well and stitching a bit more.
Saturday I went down to meet my sister & her guy in the city. Arriving home in the afternoon, it started raining and with the evening temperature drop there was about an inch of snow on the ground. This morning I woke to a beautiful blanket of snow! It was a nice last taste of winter.
By early afternoon the sun had come out and I got to watch dozens of birds hang out at the bird feeder while I stitched.
I finally got the chart for the last section of the Mystery Sampler from BBD, so I started working on that this week. Poor Beatrix Potter has been much neglected, but I did finish one big motif this month. The last pic is of a finished DT "Woodland Walk". As part of my recent re-decorating, I put up a wire curtain rod in the 2nd bedroom from which I can hang my stitched pieces and watercolors. It's kinda fun to see some of the finished things I haven't gotten around to framing!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
woodland walk
- House
- cirque
- mystery
- Beatrix
- Feast
- hallway
- life
- kitchen
- living room
- Gentle St. Nick
- Splendor IX
- finishes
- library
- Bath (down)
- ornies
- stash
- Random thoughts
- brightneedle
- goals
- new
- organization
- After pics
- Floors
- Hornbook
- adia
- books
- claudia mittens
- dining
- front yard
- knitting
- memes
- smoke ring
- stairs
- sweater
- winter
- woodland walk
I am so sorry to hear about your break-up. Going through that is so hard and so painful. Just hang in there and things will get better. It is good that you have your stitching. During one of my break-ups cross-stitch saved my sanity!!!! Stay close to stitching and supportive friends! Wishing you all the best.
Oh, you poor dear. I'll tell you what I always told any of my friends when they suffered through:
Love yourself. Deeply and well.
So sorry to hear of your break-up but glad to see you back online. Needlework is definitely a life saver - it has helped me through many difficulties in life. Keep yourself busy and live for tomorrow.
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