Zombie Santa is coming to town!

Made some more progress on the Christmas stocking for a special someone. I started this last fall and would like to finish it this summer so he's ready to go to his new home for the Holidays!

He's looking kind of creepy right now - He actually makes me think of the cover to a Rob Zombie album! Anyway, after the gobs and gobs of red are finished, there's lots of background to be stitched.

I've also made (some) progress on CDC - finished the first page, plus a bit to finish up the first big circle. I'm not sure what the best way is to progress - I'm using silks & I don't like to crush them with the Q-Snaps (scrolls would have been unweildy with this size piece). I'm trying to decide whether I should complete each vertical section, going left to right, or do the top strip all the way across, and come back for the bottom strip. Kind of like whether you nibble your corn typewriter style, or spin it while eating vertically. I sure don't have much to complain about - the news is full of floods, earthquakes and tornados and I'm concerned about whether to stitch across or down!

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