3 Little finishes

I just KNEW I'd started some other ornies that were in varying stages of completion, so I went through my different project hiding spots: the big Vera Bradley bag, and my 2 sewing baskets and found them. Finding partially completed ornaments is like finding $20 in last year's winter coat!
I'll try to complete some of these before X-mas. Last week I started M Design's Bluebird - he's pretty cute in his hat! The Brittercup ornie is one of the "leftovers" that I finished last night, and I finally put the lettering into Toi et Moi, so that's done now, too!
There are 2 more partially completed ornies to wrap up, then I'll have to get going on some new starts!

M Designs - Bluebird of Christmas Happiness - 2008 JCS Ornament Issue

Brittercup Designs - Home for Christmas 2005 JCS Ornament Issue

Isabelle Haccourt Vautier - "Toi et Moi" freebie

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